What chocolate does everyone prefer for their ganache? I found a site that has pretty decent prices on there chocolate, although the shipping was a little much. http://www.gygi.com/shop/index.php/chocolate/chocolate-melting/chocolate-melting-couverture.html
I know a lot of people say Callebaut is the best, but I was wondering if anyone has used Guittard white chocolate or Merckens Yucatan Dark Chocolate. These are more in my price range at the moment.
Thanks so much!
Tammy, https://www.facebook.com/LowcountryConfections or Lowcounrtyconfections.net
I use ghiradelli for my ganache and didn’t have any problems.
I also use ghiradelli for my ganache and its very good
Rosita, Florida, https://www.facebook.com/cakesbyrosa05
I have been using 3lb bags of ghiradelli that I bought at SAMs. But they stopped carrying and it is quite expensive in the 11.5 oz bags. I was just wondering if anyone had used those other brands. Especially the white chocolate, as I have heard that it could be temperamental. Thanks
Tammy, https://www.facebook.com/LowcountryConfections or Lowcounrtyconfections.net