Cake Decorating

How to use Gumpaste Like fondant?

I’ve posted here previously about if Gumpaste or fondant would work for a clam shell cake I’m going to be making. Now I know some people said I can use gumpaste. This is my plan. I bought 2 lbs worth of gumpaste from Hobby Lobby yesterday, I hope this will work.

My question is in the title but let me explain a bit further. I’ve never worked with gumpaste before. I’ve been reading EVERWHERE and It seems to be a rule that gumpaste can typically be dry or hard to work with. How can I get this to roll out to a 14 in shell? The pic of the mold im using is in a previous post of mine if you care to look. What can I use to make the gumpaste pliable enough to roll out that large? Is 2lbs even enough or would I need more?

I want to lay the large piece of gumpaste over the large dusted mold to shape and to keep shape until dry. Will this work or am I completely out of my league here??? Im also making my daughters 3 tier (dummy bottom tier) Moana cake side by side with this so I’m a wreck and alone on this.

Oh and did I mention they’re both going to be illuminated cakes?? Yeah I tend to bite off more than I can chew sometimes lol Any help or encouragement from you guys would be great. Thanks!

5 Replies

I think it will dry in a few days over the shell mold, but it will be very fragile so handle with care. I would dry it on the outside of the mold and when it is firmly set remove and slide it inside the mold so it dries on both sides and keeps it’s shape. Not sure how you plan to light it but am anxious to see the finished cake. You can roll out 2 lbs of gumpaste to a 14" piece but you might want to knead a tiny bit of shortening to the gumpaste first.


I got 1lbs to roll out pretty thick to 14"! Success! Wrapped it with plastic wrap and it’s pretty dry already. I’m going to give it a full 24 hours before I flip it over. fingers crossed

I’ll be using some keychain led lights to illuminate it. Again, *fingers crossed lol!

I wish you luck, be sure and post pictures.


Oh how did this turn out for you? Please give us a follow up.

My advice to you is to make your gumpaste
It’s too easier and less expensive
Just mix some tylose po to your fondant wilton fondant will work good