Cake Decorating

Need help with silver dust and stencil.

Hi, I really need help here. Does anyone know how to apply silver dust on the stencil? I’m looking through Internet they said used, airbrush, but I don’t use airbrush. 😳. Anyone have any idea how to do that ? Thank you !

Han Dougan

2 Replies

I have dusted a cake with a stencil simply using a large fluffy paintbrush and just dabbed it on. It worked very well. It is important though to make sure your stencil is fixed securely so it doesn’t move, and that you just dab not brush otherwise you will get bleeding instead of a nice sharp finish.x

Blossom Dream Cakes at

Hi, Angela Morris ! Thanks, for ur reply . I look through the internet and learn that Evil Cake Genius mix silver dust mix with vodka, then mix with clear piping gel, then appy to stencil. I did try on a piece of fondant and it work, but took long time for let it dry. :). Always, have something new to learn everyday !

Han Dougan