Cake Decorating Tools & Supplies

Does anybody know what the source of gelaton in wilton fondant is?

I have a client who has asked me about the source of gelaton in Wiltons fondant, whether it is from plants or animals, and if animal, what animal? i have already contacted Wilton company by email, and they replied saying “thank you for contacting us” but did not anwser my question. I am living in the Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

5 Replies

Hi i’m not sure exactly whether it is from plants or animal, but here in France Wilton is a kosher product so defenetly there is no porc.
I hope this will help.

GeoYa's Cakes

i found a link for u talking about this subject :) It is from palm kernel oil!!

GeoYa's Cakes

I did not need to know :) However, glad I came across this :)

Party Cakes

thanks maya for replaying , I really appreciate it and yes it is help me alot.

thanks Laura for stopping by :)