I learned most of my cake skills through 4-H. I won overall cake decorator in our county five times and state twice. And I also showed and went to state in dogs, rabbits, horses, vet science, photography and more. It was a large part of my childhood. I recently was asked by our county administration office if I would be interested in becoming the cake decorating leader for all the clubs. I’d answer questions for individual club leaders, teach clinics etc. For the first clinic I want to go back to basics. I have learned so many tips over the years that these kids may not know. I remember in my fist cake class my teacher was an elder spanish women and she always said use one to two more eggs then the recipe calls for. It will reduce crumbling when frosting the cake. I also learned when I was about nine how to bounce my pans of batter on the counter to get air bubbles out. Simple tips like these can help any memebers from brand new kids to upper level teenagers. I just wanted to see what tips you guys may have for the youth. The more the better. I may come back to this forum later for other clinic ideas too! Thanks everyone!