I have my first bridal show this weekend! It’s a small open house type event at a venue where there is only one vendor per category (one dj, one florist, one photo/video guy). They called me last week on Wednesday because the baker who signed up for the event backed out. Last minute… sure, I love pressure! Fortunately (or unfortunately) the one week time frame was too short to get a temporary permit and rent commercial space to make samples for all the brides (I’m a home baker, so I can’t pass out samples en masse at a show otherwise in my state).
I feel pretty prepared, but I am wondering if I have missed anything. I would love for you guys to take a look at what I’m planning on bringing to double check me. Let me know if you think I have missed anything!!
Also, I can’t decide what to wear. I have a white polo with my logo embroidered on it, but I normally wear that with jeans for deliveries – not very bridal feeling, but it will be obvious what company I am with. Should I wear something dressier like slacks and a blouse? I’ll have an exhibitor badge, so I’ll still be identifiable.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!