Cake Decorating

Help - Recipes


I’m still new at cake making decorating. The two I’ve made have been both Catherine Ruehle’s gluten free chocolate cake with chocolate ganache then covered in fondant.

I’m making a 2 tiered 80’s cake with as well as a separate cake (record player).

Although I’ve really taken to cake decorating I need to learn a lot more about cooking cakes/flavours etc.

Can you please suggest recipes/websites for cake recipes and popular/recommended flavours. I don’t know what to make for the 2 tiered cake. I’ve decided to make the GF Choc cake I’ve made above for the record player but have no idea what to do for the other 2 cakes. There will be a mixed crowd so do not want to do all cakes GF.

I also does the cake have to be a certain texture to have fondant on it? If so please suggest a suitable recipes.

Thanks in advanced for helping me out!