I stumbled upon this site randomly through someone’s Twitter link. I didn’t even know it existed! I’m familiar with a similar cake decorating website that I used to frequent, but happy to see there are alternatives :).

I am a baker, cake decorator, and blogger from Vancouver, British Columbia. I first got into cake decorating 5 years ago and was heavily into it for about a year. I ended up taking a 4 year hiatus from cakes and baking but I am back at it.

Though these days I tend to focus on baking in general rather than cake decorating specifically, I still like to take a peek at the amazing cakes everyone is able to create and learn something in the forums.


1 Reply

Hi there and welcome to CakesDecor!
I’m looking forward to see some of your cakes and blogs as well ;)

-- Michal, http://cakesdecor.com | My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michal.bulla