Cake Decorating

My son's 4th Birthday

So when my son asked to have yet another superhero party for his 4th bday i just thought to myself O NO hear we go again….. so last year my ironman cake was a failure to say the least lol my son still LOVED it! go love him.
I thought to to myself what can i do that will still look how it should even if it dosent go to plan so i jumped on the net and found a number 4 cake that represented HULK i think it turned out well!! i had a few oooo and arrrs so i guess i must have done a half decent job of it…please Let me know what u think and how i could have made it beta.

5 Replies

You have a great looking cake and it’s covered very nicely!! I can see why everyone loved it!😁 I think the only thing it really would need if you wanted to do more is a few finishing details like maybe you could have made the cake board look like brick since you see that alot in the hulk theme and his name on there in the same lettering style used for hulk and maybe at the top of the 4 add some black hair like this since your using his torn clothes and skin already 😁 Other than that I can think of anything.. It’s a very cute cake and design!

Amanda Bowman

I agree with Pink Ann on her suggestions and it’s a great cake! I’ve discovered that as long as the client (your son) is happy, that’s your most important gauge for the end result:)


I think you did a great job! I’m sure your son is very proud that his Mom made his cake for him!

Toni, Pennsylvania,

What a great idea pink anns cakes :-) ill have to remember the brick background for it i eva make another hulk cake!! thank you all for you impute…

Your welcome 😁 this is an asking place and i have learned so much all ready being on here from so many talented decorators.. Happy birthday to your little boy.. He’s very lucky to have a mommy who can make him such amazing birthday cakes!!

Amanda Bowman