thank you

Sugar Modelling #1: Making the Jaguar XK150

This is not to scale as I was working fom photos and made my own measurements for this. All sugarpaste. I used foam which I cut to shape to set the bonnet shape overnight. I did not want to use...

Quick Tip

This is how I store and transport my wedding cakes until they are put on display. I can’t take credit for this, I saw it on the Ace of Cakes years ago. This plastic container of holding a 4...

Edible Crayons

So many of you asked which mould I used to make my sugarpaste crayons that I thought I’d pull a quick tutorial together for you. I didn’t use a mould – there’s really no need to. They are super...

Cracked Sugar Mirror tutorial & Penny Dreadful Cake Timelapse (videos)

Hi all, here’s a timelapse video I filmed (my first!) showing how I made parts of my Penny Dreadful collab cake, and also a video tutorial for how I made the cracked sugar mirror on top. ...

Broad Beans Pictorial.

The steps were made entirely by me, not following or copying anyone else’s tutorial. You’re welcome to follow these steps too but you must give credit to my page. Thank you and have fun! :) 1) I...


For creating your own blends, you will be using AmeriColor Silver Sheen and Gold Sheen Amerimist Airbrush Colors as your base. The fun part is you can basically create any metallic shade or...

Cake Boards #1: York Stone Effect

I received a lot of interest in this cake board for my latest cake which had a boot on it and so have put together a few pictures I took during the process. 1. Roll out fondant onto board. Mix...

Fondant grass using a sieve

I just posted this on facebook today and thought I’d share with all of you here. It was a trick I learned in College and still use today. It’s my first tutorial and quite simple; but, it is...

Cake painting #3: Cake topper - A sweet frame

Hi allo! Today I leave you the shots I took during painting this mini doll in a frame. The base is made with fondant; the gel food colors are Sugarflair and are diluted with alcohol. The...

Flower Pot Cake Tutorial

Materials Airbrush Airbrush colors, white, green and black Bench scraper Cake recipe Cardboard cake circle, 8-inch 1 batch chocolate ganache CMC powder or Tylose powder...