Flowers and Lace

Flowers and Lace
Flowers and Lace Flowers and Lace

Colorful sugar flowers to match each of the bridesmaid’s shoes. Sugar lace to represent the bride’s dress. 12", 10"’ 8"’ and 6" tiers.

Carla Jo, California


Carla JO, what an amazing cake and gorgeous flowers!

Dina @ miettes,

Oh, Miette, that means so much coming from you. Thanks so much.

Carla Jo, California

Not only are the flowers gorgeous but so is the color combination! Love it!

So colourful, gorgeous. Love it

Sugar Petal Creations

Thanks so much everyone for you kind words. You have made my day!

Carla Jo, California

WOW!! Stunning cake!!
This is amazing!! Great job!! Xx

Laura Loukaides -

stunning, absolutely gorgeous, love it , love the flowers, colours and design ,……Perfect
