Chest of Eggs

Chest of Eggs
Chest of Eggs Chest of Eggs Chest of Eggs

Wishing you all a very happy Easter Sunday!
So this year I did not do any special Easter baking….
BUT during the week I did make some eggs!
DRAGON eggs!!
This cake was my representation of the chest of dragon eggs given to Danaerys Stormborn at her marriage to Carl Drogo, made for the birthday of a huge Game of Thrones fan.
The cake was a simple vanilla sponge filled with raspberry jam and coated in milk chocolate ganache. The eggs were chocolate covered in MC ‘scales’ and brushed with lustre dust. The chest was constructed from a 50/50 mix of MC/fondant, something I haven’t done before but turns out it was really easy to work with and the surface took much better to being painted than straight MC :)
Another cake which was right up my street to create, I loved doing it, I hope you like it too!
TFL xx

Blossom Dream Cakes at