I was asked to make a girly handbag in the style of a mullbery bag but only had a couple of days so this is what I came up with , it does not have as many details as I would have liked but I just ran out of time as my little boy decided to run into a wall and just about knock himself out and my middle daughter has an infection in her finger !!! I do love a bit of chaos but have had enough for this week lol ! The cake is Madeira with a vanilla bean buttercream . Thanks so much for looking my lovely cakey friends xx Lisa xx
Lisa Salerno Bespoke Cakes
very pretty Lisa x
Wallace x http://www.facebook.com/AWGHobbyCakes
Love it Lisa, faved. Hope your kids get better! :-) xxxx
Kath's Cakes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaths-Cakes/369485736483786
So pretty, Lisa! Faved :-)Xx
Barbara @Sweet Janis, http:/www.sweetjanis.com
Great job Lisa!! Xx
Laura Loukaides - Instagram.com/LauraLoukaides
Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎
Turned out really cute!!
Dina @ miettes, http://www.facebook.com/pages/miettes/257790597632317
very pretty
gorgeous Lisa! :)xx
Cakes & Cookies by Sofia Costa, Portugal, My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cakes-Cookies/142461495832647
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments x always appreciated x
Lisa Salerno Bespoke Cakes