Richi Barcenas is following 53 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,835 followers


9 posts and 70,059 followers

Rosa Guerra (Tartas Oh by Rosa)

4,590 posts and 311 followers

canela y miel

69 posts and 19 followers

Calli Creations

63,613 posts and 2,515 followers


18,703 posts and 418 followers


120 posts and 37 followers

Maribel Ríos

121 posts and 71 followers


752 posts and 114 followers

Sumaiya Omar - The Cake Duchess

5,044 posts and 439 followers

Patricia Alonso

104 posts and 60 followers


24,719 posts and 675 followers


6,631 posts and 192 followers

CakeHeaven by Marlene

44,493 posts and 1,171 followers

Anna Bonilla

713 posts and 155 followers

Ana Remígio - CUPCAKES & DREAMS Portugal

63,881 posts and 1,267 followers


50,868 posts and 418 followers

June ("Clarky's Cakes")

75,857 posts and 820 followers

Ellie @ Ellie's Elegant Cakery

9,305 posts and 375 followers

Elli Warren

78,909 posts and 1,426 followers


69 posts and 21 followers

Victoria Abellán

192 posts and 56 followers

Jessitartas (Jessica Déniz)

60 posts and 31 followers

Dolce Sentire

151 posts and 198 followers

Irina Sanz

138 posts and 161 followers


283 posts and 183 followers


48 posts and 43 followers

xavier winiart

183 posts and 180 followers

The Velvet Cakes

218 posts and 102 followers


89 posts and 35 followers