Lulu Belles Cupcake Creations is following 93 other members

Davide Minetti

191 posts and 136 followers

Bolo em Branco [by Margarida Duarte]

163 posts and 266 followers

Gillian mercer cakes

51 posts and 16 followers

Teté Cakes Design

4,605 posts and 228 followers

Calli Creations

63,613 posts and 2,515 followers

June ("Clarky's Cakes")

75,857 posts and 820 followers

Elli Warren

78,909 posts and 1,426 followers


8,286 posts and 147 followers

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™

9,512 posts and 857 followers

Gulnaz Mitchell

8,222 posts and 577 followers

SugarMagicCakes (Christine)

30,859 posts and 600 followers


85 posts and 5 followers

Hazel Wong Cake Design

1,332 posts and 476 followers


145 posts and 74 followers

Hilary Rose Cupcakes

322 posts and 201 followers

Bim- Baked By Bim

83 posts and 17 followers


106 posts and 30 followers

Time for Tiffin

10,978 posts and 675 followers

Toni Lally

25 posts and 3 followers


177,783 posts and 1,473 followers

Zoe White

15,027 posts and 279 followers

The Custom Cakery

9,041 posts and 573 followers

Miss Zuccherina cake designer

91 posts and 4 followers

Donatella Bussacchetti

2,830 posts and 169 followers

Beata Khoo

1,956 posts and 139 followers


108 posts and 142 followers


60 posts and 41 followers

Orietta Basso

2,731 posts and 281 followers

Viorica Dinu

597 posts and 397 followers