Laura Loukaides is followed by 1382 other members


997 posts and 113 followers

Mucchio di Bella

282 posts and 127 followers


0 posts and 0 followers

Delicia Designs

4,244 posts and 201 followers

The Sweet Collection

26 posts and 9 followers

Claire North

779 posts and 158 followers


212 posts and 33 followers

Kellie Grant

31 posts and 8 followers

The Rosehip Bakery

3,074 posts and 318 followers

Cake Therapy

28 posts and 8 followers

Sweet Delights Cakery

1,342 posts and 346 followers

Heavenly Treats by Lulu

4,970 posts and 151 followers

Concetta Zingale

238 posts and 18 followers


6,199 posts and 188 followers

June ("Clarky's Cakes")

75,857 posts and 820 followers

Deepa Pathmanathan

655 posts and 72 followers

Clare's Cakes - Leicester

1,046 posts and 129 followers


829 posts and 171 followers

Mayte Parrilla

747 posts and 154 followers

Nom Nom Sweeties

333 posts and 39 followers

Heather Nicole Chitty

148 posts and 32 followers

Jamie Cupcakes

36 posts and 12 followers


144 posts and 63 followers

The Cake Bank

78 posts and 13 followers


45 posts and 32 followers


48 posts and 3 followers

Deepa Shiva - Deecakelicious

268 posts and 35 followers

Kake and Cupkakery

71 posts and 3 followers