
Would you like to be able to post buttercream cupcakes to friends, family and customers

Hi Everyone

Brand new to this great site and thought we would ask you what you think.

Would you like to be able to send your cupcakes via courier/or mail to your nearest and dearest or customers?

In the UK we have been asked by our customers to design packaging for cupcakes with delicate butter cream icing etc that can be sent in the mail or by courier. Well we have done it Cakes-Away postable pack is due for launch on the 22nd November.

But what about the States? Is this something that would sell over there? If it is any ideas for distributors would be great. Alot of asks I know but any thoughts would be great.

Image shows cupcakes in the box upside down …. and they are still safe!!

6 Replies

The cupcake boxes used in the photo looks perfect. So safe for transport. You know it is really important to use cupcake boxes that are tall enough and have stencils to fix cupcakes otherwise the icing and decoration on cupcakes can get completely ruined. I recently bought a cupcake carrier handbag online. It is really comfortable to carry cupcakes in that bag.
See the picture below:


How funny the Cupcake handbags you mention are also ours. You are right is is best to use boxes that are tall enough and the Cakes-Away box allows for decoration.

I sent my first lot with them yesterday. No news from my guinea pig yet (father in law). Hopefully all good!

I’m really hoping they work, as I have had so many requests to post cupcakes.

Will you be selling them in bulk?

Amanda x

Sorry Helen,

They were disastrous. The cupcakes were wrecked by the time they arrived. Any tips?


This is the first problem customers have had. There are two crucial things. 1. That the cupcakes you put in them are the right size 70 – 75 mm across and 2. That the icing adheres to the cupcake properly. The box itself we know works it just getting the two crucial things right. Have a look at our facebook and twitter pages to see other customers results. Also really happy to talk to you about this as we want you to be happy.

Thanks so much for taking the time to help me this morning – sorry I sounded rushed – I was waiting for a couple to turn up for a wedding consultation!

I will definitely give it another go next week – I won’t be beaten!

Amanda xxx