Donatella Bussacchetti is following 67 other members

Torta Od Snova

70 posts and 20 followers

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,829 followers


9 posts and 70,052 followers


1,624 posts and 183 followers

Marielly Parra

893 posts and 316 followers

Cindy Sauvage

635 posts and 263 followers

Sihirli Pastane

274 posts and 182 followers

Pasteles de ensueño magazine

155 posts and 68 followers

Sharon, Sadie May Cakes

277 posts and 115 followers


89 posts and 79 followers


135 posts and 89 followers

Mania M. - CandymaniaC

488 posts and 441 followers


382 posts and 201 followers

Mina Bakalova

4,008 posts and 297 followers

Elli Warren

78,909 posts and 1,425 followers

Tuba Fırat

152 posts and 310 followers

Marianne: Tastefully Yours Cake Art

2,035 posts and 350 followers

Lori Mahoney (Lori's Custom Cakes)

5,785 posts and 477 followers


235 posts and 228 followers


346 posts and 450 followers


19,237 posts and 474 followers

Happyhills Cakes

989 posts and 235 followers

MOLI Cakes

7,840 posts and 537 followers

Adelina Baicu Cake Artist

4,047 posts and 262 followers

Julia Marie Cakes

150 posts and 208 followers

Viva la Tarta

71 posts and 194 followers

Alina Vaganova

419 posts and 401 followers

Bella's Bakery

516 posts and 219 followers

Guilt Desserts

1,001 posts and 282 followers

Sugar Cakes

1,094 posts and 175 followers