Hello everyone,
I started making cakes last September when my little niece had her christening and I asked if I could make a cake. I had never made one before and had no idea what I was doing. Looking back on it now all I can do is laugh!
I made a chocolate biscuit cake because I didn't know how to bake! And set about decorating it. The minute I began I fell in love. It's a little embarrassing to say but I did get a little emotional! It just felt right! Like I had found my thing!
I had been studying nutrition (from nutrition to baking cakes!) because I wanted to help people with degenerative illnesses, something very close to my heart. The more I studied the more I felt a need to be creative. It was as if my body needed it.
I stopped studying nutrition and was at a point in my life where I had no idea what direction to go in. I knew I wanted to create things but didn't know what and I was frightened I might never find it. So when I made the cake for my beautiful baby niece I had my eureka moment!
Now the funniest part of all of this is that I am fourth generation cake designer! My mother, grandmother and great grandmother all made stunning wedding cakes for years. I remember the smell of icing in my grandmother's house and the wonderment of how anything could be that white! I also remember taking every second bit of piping from the bottom of the largest tier of one cake! This is something I will have to remember if I ever have children and they do something as horrifying as this!
Unfortunately for my mother four boys and one little girl got in the way of wedding cakes and I only remember seeing one that she made. I do however remember being in complete amazement looking at it and being completely stunned by how pretty it was. But until I made that cake last year it never struck me that it might be an option of a career or even just a hobby. Part of me wishes my mother had taught me how to bake and decorate from an early age but being the rebellious child I was I probably wouldn't have kept it up!
So here I am having just turned 27 wondering about all those years I was searching for what it was I wanted to do with my life and it must have been decided when I was a baby looking at all the beautiful designs in my grandmother's house! Needless to say I'm so happy I am carrying on the family tradition and I'm so grateful to have such talented cake designers in my family. I hope someday I can live up to their creations.
After I made my first cake I looked up everything I could find online, watched countless Youtube videos and read countless tutorials. I haven't had any training yet so I hope someday I will be able to be shown how to do lots of things.
Right now I am just practicing as much as I can and trying to build a portfolio and learn as much as possible and not break any bones in the meantime! I broke my wrist last December and couldn't bake for a few months! I hope in the near future I will be able to set up a business and make cakes for a living.
I'll let you all know how that goes!
Really happy to have found this online community.
Helen. x
Well hello :)
Hello to you too! New to this so I’m not sure how this all works but hopefully I’ll figure it out soon! x
There you are! (I wasn’t joking about the cake stalking!!!) Beautiful work as always.
Maria x
Maria McDonald https://www.facebook.com/sugarduckie?ref=hl
Hello, tell me your name, I can not keep calling you oh gateaux !! lol
Teté . https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tet%C3%A9-Cakes-Design/128768727315216?ref=tn_tnmn
hehehe!! Hi Helen !! I found your blog !! I’m in love with your work !! You are brilliant !! thank you very much for following !!
Teté . https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tet%C3%A9-Cakes-Design/128768727315216?ref=tn_tnmn
Thanks you so much Teté. I cannot believe that people like my work! I am in love with designing cakes so I’m glad that people like what I do. Hopefully someday I can make a living from it. x
Haha! Thanks for following me Maria. Only new on here so I’m not sure what I’m doing yet! x
I’m not too sure at all either but at the very least it’s a place to store pics of cakes and drool over other people’s creations!
Maria McDonald https://www.facebook.com/sugarduckie?ref=hl
Ha ha! True. It will keep the two of us happy anyway! x
Love your cakes…so beautifully done..new follow from me..Enza xx