Kristina is following 21 other members

Cindy Sauvage

635 posts and 263 followers


346 posts and 24 followers


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Eleonora Massari

26 posts and 46 followers

Michal Bulla

38,778 posts and 1,414 followers

Jessica MV

1,960 posts and 498 followers

Marielly Parra

893 posts and 316 followers

Rosa Guerra (Tartas Oh by Rosa)

4,590 posts and 311 followers

Signature Cake By Shweta

794 posts and 137 followers

Crin sugarart

252 posts and 112 followers

Dolcidea creazioni

524 posts and 99 followers

My Magic Cakes

490 posts and 63 followers

Katia Malizia

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990 posts and 102 followers

Tuba Fırat

152 posts and 310 followers

Cake Heart

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9 posts and 70,052 followers

Martin Sojka

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Calli Creations

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Gâteau de Luciné

3,402 posts and 168 followers