Tasnuta Cake Artistry ( TASNUTA ALAM) is following 360 other members

Martin Sojka

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9 posts and 70,054 followers

Signature Cake By Shweta

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Marcela Gomez

5 posts and 16 followers

The Cookie Lab by Marta Torres

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Brenda Salcedo Cake Artist

76 posts and 46 followers

Sultana Rajia Naznin

39 posts and 6 followers

Umme Kulsum

54 posts and 7 followers

Vanessa Fontana

93 posts and 18 followers

Esmeralda Lopez

2 posts and 5 followers

Maria Paula Robles

73 posts and 46 followers

Selene López

2 posts and 3 followers

Cookies by Joss

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Mustafa Kansu

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Rêves et Gâteaux

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125 posts and 29 followers

Gauri Kekre

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9 posts and 10 followers

Dellissima Cakes

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Out There Cakes

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25 posts and 19 followers


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Chanda Rozario

464 posts and 81 followers

Karin Rachell Saade Morad

268 posts and 59 followers

Dr RB.Sudha

1,413 posts and 74 followers

OMG! itss a cake

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Lakshini Wijegoonewardane

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Clarisa Borunda

361 posts and 59 followers

Majoieta CD

166 posts and 21 followers