Monte Carlo Casino Night

Monte Carlo Casino Night
Monte Carlo Casino Night

Made for a fundraiser. It went for $350.00 which made me happy because it was for a good cause.

The Martini glass went with the cake, filled with clear rock candy.



Great cake..and great details!! Wonderful it raised so much!!

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Shirley, this is fantastic! You had me with the first picture of the martini glass! Great painting on the cards and the design is so classy. The making of this beauty had to take forever. Home run, my friend!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Thanks friends. The cause for this fundraiser was very important. AHA is a group formed to educate people about college hazing and the dangers. A young man from our area attended Chico State and part of his hazing of a fraternity was being locked in a cold basement and forced to drink gallons of water. He went into a seizure and died at age 22. Thankfully the fraternity was disbanded and the house closed. 3 of the students who were the instigators were charged and sentenced to prison.


ooo wooow this is great :) amazing design and work :)