Dahlia Flower

Dahlia Flower

This Dahlia is in Cold Porcelain, please remove if not allowed! 🙂

Christina Wallis


Thank you, Lisa, it was my first play with cold porcelain, so I’m cringing at those stems a bit, but very very happy with the colour, nice variety for non edibles, will look it up and post it here tomor, actually!

Christina Wallis

Wow!! Amazing! 😍😍😍

Floralilie Sugar Art

I dusted this with ‘Blackcurrant’ dust by Edable Dusts ( decorative non-toxic) adding it darkened by Burgundy at places and spring green on the edges here and there!

Christina Wallis

This is perfect! First stab at cold porcelain? Wow, you did a first class job!


'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela http://www.facebook.com/CakesByFifi

Thank you :) , Love porcelain, used it few times since then, though not managing to fully switch just yet , want to try bean paste next! Love Pinterest just followed you there , can’t wait to have a good browse through tonight!

Christina Wallis

Amazing and so realistic !
