8" round, buttercream iced, topped with fondant wood and sushi.
This is the first cake I was really able to get into since my home was flooded During Hurricane Matthew October 9th, 2016. We are unable to live in our home. We were given a beautiful place to stay and I get to see the sunrise over the ocean and watch the deer scamper on the beach.
It’s been a tough go. I’ve been a little down about losing everything but we are slowly making a come back.
I’m glad I’ve gotten the urge back to be creative.
God is still God and the sun is still shining.
Thanks for looking!
Psalm 127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.
Great job
This looks too darn real! I would go into shock if I bit into it and it was sugar!
Sugar Sugar by SSmiley
jenny,thirsk north yorkshire,http://www.darrowbycakes.co.uk
Looks great!
Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca
well done
Fantastic cake, you’re amazing! I’m so sorry for your loss, wishing you lots of strength and faith to get you through this awful times!!! <3