Last weekends customer we have known for years, her grandchildren have played in the same football league as mine for many years. Her son had been a coach in the same age group as my husband for quite a few seasons, he was a big burly guy with a gorgeous wife and 3 boys. Last year he had a massive heart attack and passed away, he was only in his early 30’s. His funeral had been on 4th of July and of course the family was left devastated.
The 4th of July had always been a very happy occasion for the family and the Grandma wanted to try and make this 4th a start to being able to see it that way again. Her other son Willie had just graduated the fireman’s academy and received his EMT badge so requested this cake to celebrate his achievements and hopefully bring some joy back into their families 4th of July! It was a very hard week for them but I truly hope cake can help heel and bring a little happiness into their lives.
The cake design was not my original, but this is exactly what she wanted and unfortunately their is not much more you can do with a request for Bunker gear. It is very much like one on pinterest from Pretty witty cakes, I am not sure if they are the ones who created it or not however as had no watermark. I usually then would have refused to do it but with this occasion I chose to do it.
Tampa, Florida
how sad ,it’s a lovely cake :)
jenny,thirsk north yorkshire,
Looks great! Hope it brought some happiness to their 4th of July.
Kelly's Kitchen
So sad but hopefully put a few smiles on some faces 😊x
Cool cake!
The Cake Nook
Excellent job Sharon xx
sugar and art - perfect combination!
This is brilliant work Sharon, the finish on this is fabulous and a lovely way to turn the sadness around ….
'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela
How FABULOUS!!! And what a bittersweet story it has. I’m so sorry for the loss of such a dear man, far too soon.
Cakes ROCK!!! Christy Seguin, Austin, TX
Great job!
Sugar Sugar by SSmiley
Brilliant Sharon, glad the family are finding happiness again. Xx
Julie, York, UK, http://www.facebook/