''On Aura Tout Vu'' - Fashion like a work of art

''On Aura Tout Vu'' - Fashion like a work of art
''On Aura Tout Vu'' - Fashion like a work of art ''On Aura Tout Vu'' - Fashion like a work of art

When Cake Central approched me and I saw the eccentric dress by On Aura Tout Vu I was very excited to get this honour!
I was immediately attracted to the beautiful gems that were asymmetric placed on the model’s dress, and the colors on the skirt. I made flares with a shimmer on the bottom tier in different sizes and kept the middle tier with feather looked decorations. For the top tier and the center of the fowers I used Isomalt.

Hope you like it, and thank you for looking.

Learn from the past! Get yourself a blank canvas and paint your own life. Be your own artist! Mila, http://www.facebook.com/PureCakesbyMila http://www.tsu.co/PureCakesbyMila