I normally don’t make a lot of sugar flowers but I set myself a challenge for this cake. Many hours were spent at my table creating these lovely blooms for a Dutch lady celebrating her 80th birthday. They left the design up to me so I also went a step further to create the wheelbarrow with the help of my hubby making the base frame. This consisted only of the two handles and a small pin with the flat cake board attached. I carved the cake to create the barrow shape and made the wheel. Then covered everything in fondant. Using modelling tools I created the timber look and dusted it with petal dust. They wanted her name and a windmill too so I created a sort of logo that I painted on the side. The baseboard was also covered in fondant to create a slate effect which also took a while ….as the board was 24"! I didn’t really want to part with this one as it looked so pretty…..but they were so happy…..so it was all worth it.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tastefully-Yours-Cake-Art/299140846945084 https://www.instagram.com/tastefullyyourscakeart/
I love everything about this cake! The wheelbarrow is very realistic and the flowers are fabulous!!!
wow stunning, your slate board is fab. I bet the recipient was delighted to receive this x
ellie's elegant cakery
Wow!!! Spectacular!!!!!!!! That´s gorgeous!
wow, this is perfection :)
Heba Elalfy ***more photos at https://www.facebook.com/sweetdreamstoyou
Janette MacPherson Cake Craft, www.facebook.com/JanetteMacPhersonCakeCraft
So gorgeous Marianne. Perfection x
they are just beautiful!!
kleiza rojas fitzgerald
This is absolutely gorgeous!
Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes