Wafer paper, edible silver leaf, buttercream and peony. It’s a win-win combination :)
Gorgeous x
Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎
Very pretty!
Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca
Oh wow!! I love this hard. That texture is so incredible!
Looks beautiful!! Gorgeous design!! :-) x
https://www.facebook.com/elliwarrencakedesign https://www.facebook.com/elliricci elliricci@hotmail.com https://www.instagram.com/elliwarrencakedesign/
So beautiful! Great design! :-)
www.zavrzlama.rs ; https://www.facebook.com/NasaMalaZavrzlama
Beautiful xx
sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com
Wow, this is gorgeous!!
You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits