Carved from an 8 inch madiera cake. I told my client to look on cake decor when they were trying to decide on a design and they totally fell in love with a cake by Tynes on which this design is based. I floor was the most time consuming part of the cake
Helen, Dover, UK
Super cool
Adorable. Love all your details
Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes
Delightful x
so cute
So adorable! I love how you did the cake board (floor). Time consuming, but really adds to the lovely cake!
Toni, Pennsylvania,
Soooo adorable I love Peppa Pig cakes <3333333333333333333333333333333333
Dubey Cakes
'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela
Too cute!
Marlene - CakeHeaven