Brithday buttercream scrollwork layer cake

Brithday buttercream scrollwork layer cake
Brithday buttercream scrollwork layer cake Brithday buttercream scrollwork layer cake Brithday buttercream scrollwork layer cake

2-layer 8-in. round chocolate devils food cake w/ choc. BC icing. Piping w/ #104, #3, #4, #2. #17. teal, white and blue colors.
Frosted 2-layer cake in BC choc. smooth, piped message in #4. Piped top boarder w/ #104, #17, #3 and inner edge of top boarder. Bottom boarder was #17 reverse scroll, and #3 dots. side scroll is #3 or #4.
*This cake is also good for a masculine, multiple, or generic birthday cake design or another occasions. Where you don’t want to make it all feminine with flowers.

Nancy (Nancy's Fancy's Cakes & Catering)