Tom's funny fish cake

Tom's funny fish cake
Tom's funny fish cake Tom's funny fish cake Tom's funny fish cake Tom's funny fish cake

This was for my nephew’s 18th birthday!! He is into fishing in a big way so i thought it would be a good idea to make him something a little different and amusing !! It seemed to have done the trick as it made him laugh and he loved it !! x

Butterfly dream cakes


this must make smile everyone! adorable :)

Myska ---


Tampa, Florida

Wow, ill bet he loved it. Its amazing!!!! My cake of the day!!! Love the fish, and the bubbles in the ruffles are great ;-))

sugar and art - perfect combination!

Love his little face! Great job!

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Just so adorable!

Maggie Gagiano

that is amazing!!

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela

Lovely cake!!! The fish is really cute!

Marlene - CakeHeaven