Red and Black

Red and Black
Red and Black

This year I plan to learn how to pipe royal icing and improve my figure work. Was quite pleased with this attempt as I had very little time to complete it. I copied the black lace pattern on the invitation and matched the red roses to the ribbon on the invitations. I wanted something classy and uncluttered, less is more.

Roo's Little Cake Parlour


I’ve not seen any of your cakes in a while. This is another beaut! Such a striking cake.

Mel, Yorkshire,

Thanks for lovely comments everyone. Hi Mel, my cakes are taking bit of a back seat at the mo, the dreaded OFSTED is imminent, so pressure piling on at school. : (

Roo's Little Cake Parlour

Great colour contrast and a lovely rose =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ -