CakesDecor Theme: Wedding Cakes - Part Three

July is here already and Wedding season is in full swing! – Presenting, Wedding Cakes: Part 3 – Another stunning collection of beautiful Wedding designs from CakesDecor! They’re all amazing, I...

Hi, I'm Concetta

Hello everyone! I just enrolled in this beautiful site! I wanted to make myself known and to show some of my work. My story begins in a normal and ordinary home kitchen, with the desire to impress...

How to make American Flag 4th of July Cookies

If you are short of time but would love to have delicious and beautiful 4th of July cookies on your table this step-by- step guide is for you. These cookies take less than an hour to prepare...

top 15 ... as you enter?

hello someone can explain to me what is the method of your evaluation to get into the top 15? number of likes or messages, or what? thank you :)

Hallie Step by Step - Doc McStuffins

Here you can see some of the pictures I took, where I try to show the step by step. I hope you like it :) Tutorial : ...

Wings of a dove

Having Fun with The Lambeth Method of Cake Decorating

Lambeth method of piping is one of the most skilled techniques in cake decorating. In 1934 Joseph Lambeth shared his ornate style of cake decorating when he wrote and published his book The...

Do you knit or crochet?

Hey all, I just wanted to welcome you on our community websites for Knitters and Crocheters. Feel free to join or help us by spreading the word. Thank you!! Knit.Community and Crochet.Community

My sons 18th birthday cake

I don’t make cakes very often but made a couple for family and friends and decided I wanted to make my son something special for his 18th birthday .

The making of Ariel not-so-little mermaid.... #3: The big finale... ^_^

The making of Ariel not-so-little mermaid.... #2: Final steps

The making of Ariel not-so-little mermaid.... #1: Body