

Colouring #1: marbled effect on wafer paper

Mix together blue and black colour powder with wodka. Gently but quickly, dip a wafer paper sheet into the mix. Cut out shapes you desire. Model while steaming:

Colouring #2: How to quickly and easily color wafer paper - stone effect

You will need: 1 wafer paper sheet, white color powder, black color powder, food alcohol, pearlescent color food powder (sorry, it’s not in the photo), a small piece of sponge, a cotton swab,...

Colouring #3: How to color wafer paper with gel colors.

Hello sweet people! I used to color wafer paper with dust colors mixed to wodka, but sometimes I wasn’t pretty satisfied with the results, because wp broke or because I was drunk at the end of...

Colouring #4: Homemade purple colour for wafer paper

Hi all! Some days ago I made pasta with red cabbage… Delicious, but you wouldn’t care about this, lol. As the colour of pasta turned a beautiful shade of purple colour, I thought to make my...

Colouring #5: Homemade liquid colours for wafer paper and fondant.

Hi all, my lovely friends. News today: As a decorator, I know my hobby also contributes to pollution. Every time I wash my brushes, after using them with food colouring, I see water...