How to make a 3D standing Lorax cake tutorial

So, I’m no expert, I mostly make things up as I go along, but here’s how I made my lorax cake… I hope it helps someone and maybe give you the confidence to have a go at a standing cake if you...

Piped Swans Chilling in a Pond

Summer is my favorite season I love the hot sunshiny days and the warm nights, and although I am crazy busy with weddings and bridal showers, I feel relaxed. The minute back school starts I...

Fashion Inspired Fondant Platform Stiletto Shoe

Shoes are the number one accessory; women brag about how many pairs of shoes they have in their closet. Mariah Carey had Mario Buatta design an elegant space with gold-leaf and bleached-wood...

Enchanting Brush Embroidery Sugar Cookie Plaque

I adore the little plaque cookies they are extremely versatile, and what better cake decorating technique than tone on tone brush embroidery? The finished design is elegantly suitable for...

Rose and Alstroemeria Lily Flower Paste Keepsake

Every bride wants her wedding day to be perfect, to feel like a princess for that one special day. The cake is a special element of that day, with so many choices and styles it can become...

Summer Piped Royal Icing Roses and Flowers

Cupcakes are usually one serving size, no sharing involved. They’re small and easy to package, store, and transport. Decorating cupcakes is fun and creative for people of all ages. Generally...

Basic Converse Shoes Tutorial

I will soon need some converse shoes for top of cake. After searching a lot, I didn’t find tutorial for normal shoes converse without being boot and without baby. I decided to create my...

Having Fun with The Lambeth Method of Cake Decorating

Lambeth method of piping is one of the most skilled techniques in cake decorating. In 1934 Joseph Lambeth shared his ornate style of cake decorating when he wrote and published his book The...


Odd title i know, i have done three cakes now using flexible rubber stamps these work great as they can bend around a cake when you imprint them, it’s best to do it as soon as you have covered the...