Sweet Baking Babes is following 26 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,838 followers


9 posts and 70,062 followers

Sweet Symphony

602 posts and 340 followers

sCrumbtious Kakes

113 posts and 35 followers

Sweet Dreams by Heba

18,704 posts and 565 followers

Shiny Ball Cakes & Creations (Rose)

190 posts and 66 followers


9 posts and 7 followers

Pien Punt

109 posts and 52 followers


1,813 posts and 262 followers

Anneke van Dam

811 posts and 115 followers

Olina Wolfs

9,991 posts and 246 followers

Karen Dodenbier

3,624 posts and 394 followers

Dirk Luchtmeijer

152 posts and 332 followers


19,237 posts and 474 followers

Andrea Costoya

64 posts and 44 followers

Bianca's Bakery

856 posts and 37 followers


18,154 posts and 451 followers

Kaatje Fondant

46 posts and 51 followers


44 posts and 40 followers


25,094 posts and 431 followers

Berber's Cakes & Moulds

168 posts and 83 followers

Julie Reed Cakes

1,147 posts and 208 followers


187 posts and 73 followers

Bakmuts en zo

229 posts and 74 followers

Karla Vanacker

487 posts and 35 followers

secretos verde violeta

1,683 posts and 195 followers