Vintage Chinese Fan by Sweet Blossom Cakes

1.Here is a picture with all the materials needed. 2. Roll out your pink fondant on a non stick surface. 3. Cut out a large fluted round with a fluted round cutter. 4....

Painted Giraffe Print on Fondant Cake

This tutorial is to paint the Giraffe print on the botom tier of this cake, for the tutorial on the Giraffe figurine follow this link I’m using 2...

Cheap - easy BLACK FONDANT!

I made this tutorial (my first ever) a couple of months ago when I needed a small amount of black fondant for a special project… it was an experiment that worked brilliantly!!! Hope you get some...

Christmas placehouse :)

Hi everybody!! I made this tutorial a few days ago thinking about what I could put on my Christmas table for my guests and this is the result… sorry if I couldn’t write the text ( I had to...

Cheap Boards Tutorial

This weird deviced is called Sheet rock circle cutter and can be found at your local harware store for about $12. I can’t live with out it!!!

Wireframed Figurine Tutorial

Building figurines with a wireframe skeleton allows for more dynamic poses and positioning. I like to use a thick, flexible aluminium wire which is easily available in craft stores. First, bend...

Half-Covered Stripes

Just a quick note (hopefully) with a few hints on how to create a seamless join when you want to have more than one colour of fondant covering your cake, with no overlaps. 1. Start by...