Michela Lingiardi is following 18 other members

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147 posts and 71,830 followers


9 posts and 70,055 followers

Joyeeta lahiri

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10 posts and 18 followers


49 posts and 107 followers

La Belle Aurore

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Daniel Diéguez

1,195 posts and 643 followers

Adelina Baicu Cake Artist

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Marta Hidalgo

158 posts and 237 followers

Francesca Speranza - Sugar Artist

35 posts and 89 followers

Rosa Guerra (Tartas Oh by Rosa)

4,590 posts and 311 followers

Carla Puig

240 posts and 382 followers

daruj tortu

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Esmeralda trigo

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Raquel García

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Angela Penta

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