Marilu' Giare' Art & Sweet Style is following 37 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,829 followers


9 posts and 70,054 followers


18,703 posts and 418 followers

Cakes Inspired by me

406 posts and 101 followers


3 posts and 9 followers

Doces Tentações

543 posts and 87 followers


2 posts and 8 followers

Dragons and Daffodils Cakes

1,450 posts and 243 followers

Ever After

121 posts and 119 followers

Sandra Smiley

46,611 posts and 937 followers

Ania - Sweet creations by Ania

479 posts and 118 followers

Twisted Tortes

214 posts and 31 followers

MOLI Cakes

7,840 posts and 537 followers

Anna Bonilla

713 posts and 154 followers

Ana Remígio - CUPCAKES & DREAMS Portugal

63,881 posts and 1,266 followers

Cake Art Studio

248 posts and 108 followers


1,568 posts and 202 followers

Gabriela Doroghy

11,804 posts and 275 followers

Sugar Street Studios by Zoe Burmester

318 posts and 199 followers

Verusca Walker

1,344 posts and 1,147 followers

Sonia de la Cuadra

513 posts and 114 followers

Designer Cakes By Timilehin

1,140 posts and 168 followers

Raquel García

8,054 posts and 400 followers


277 posts and 91 followers

Jean A. Schapowal

883 posts and 223 followers

Pepper Posh - Carla Rodrigues

11,958 posts and 449 followers

Floren Bastante / Dulces el inflón

691 posts and 240 followers

Daniel Diéguez

1,195 posts and 643 followers


78 posts and 72 followers