AnnaCakes is following 206 other members


360 posts and 173 followers


18,703 posts and 418 followers

Deva Williamson

46 posts and 14 followers


158 posts and 144 followers


443 posts and 50 followers

Kriti Walia

169 posts and 77 followers

Le delizie di Kicca

198 posts and 233 followers

Seize The Cake

294 posts and 132 followers

Nessie - The Cake Witch

1,356 posts and 233 followers

Aniko Vargane Orban

52 posts and 123 followers

Valentina's Sugarland

1,872 posts and 579 followers


81 posts and 83 followers

Petya Shmarova

822 posts and 142 followers

Ludmilla Gruslak

140 posts and 258 followers

The Velvet Cakes

218 posts and 102 followers


24,719 posts and 674 followers

Kylie Marks

197 posts and 43 followers


844 posts and 161 followers


2,023 posts and 268 followers

Kek Couture

27 posts and 174 followers

Jo Finlayson (Jo Takes the Cake)

1,850 posts and 253 followers

sugar voyager

3,864 posts and 269 followers

Nana Rose Cake

915 posts and 225 followers

José Pablo Vega

247 posts and 292 followers

Probst Willi Bakery Cakes

31 posts and 12 followers

Elisabeth Palatiello

509 posts and 288 followers


188 posts and 26 followers


69 posts and 97 followers

CuriAUSSIEty Cakes

9,653 posts and 855 followers

Mucchio di Bella

282 posts and 127 followers