Dani!!! <3 haha
Danijela!! Hahaha yes!!! Many many thanks!!!! xoxoxoxo
Hahaha Izzy!!! Thank you!!! I also love foxes!!! xxxx
Woooooow The Enchsnting Merchant Company!! You’re too kind!!! Thank you!! xxxx
Thank you Clara!! xxxx
Wow Anna!!!!!! Hahaha thank you!!!!! I’m glad you like him and his eyes!!! xxxx
Yayyy Anita!!! Thank you!!!! xxxx
Thank you Tynka!! xxxx
Thank you Marlene!!! xxxx


Karen!!! Many thanks!! xxxx


Lin!!!!! Thank you!!!!!! xoxo


Es preciosa aquí, pero mas lo era en persona! Cuanto me alegro de haberla podido disfrutar en vivo, y que pena me da no haberte podido dar un achuchon!!! 😔😔😔


wow!!! fantastic cake!! Ü

Meritxell!! No sabía que llegaste a verla!!!! Me alegro mucho de que te guste guapa!! A mí también me da rabia no haberte visto!! Cuando pregunté por ti me dijeron que no estabas :( Bueno, supongo que coincidiremos en algún momento! Un besazo guapa!!


Thank you Biscüit!


He’s gorgeous!!! Just amazing!! The eyes are incredible!!! The warrior is fantastic modelling too!!!
:-) x

https://www.facebook.com/elliwarrencakedesign https://www.facebook.com/elliricci elliricci@hotmail.com https://www.instagram.com/elliwarrencakedesign/

Thank you Julez!xxxx
Elli!!! Thank you!! I’m so glad you like both of them!!! xxxx



<3 <3 <3

Mandy x -- www.facebook.com/MandysSugarcraft

Oreti! Mandy! Thank you! xxxx


you are an incredible artist… pinned to Cake Artists that Inspire Me on https://www.pinterest.com/CalliciousC/

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Wow amazing Arantxa xx


This is stunning! What amazing details!

Jessica, South Africa, http://www.facebook.com/EzTopperz

Wow! Amazing! :) ❤

Pauline Bakes The Cake! http://www.facebook.com/paulinescakes


Wow! Awesome work! Love the texture!

Like us on FB at www.facebok.com/thesweeteryph and follow us on Twitter and IG @thesweeteryph

Wow, truly brilliant and I really hope you gold as this is so deserving!

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

I don’t know what to say that is not already told. Bravoooo!!!!!!

M&G Cakes, http://www.mandgcakes.com, https://www.facebook.com/MandG.Cakes

That fox is one of the most beautiful cakes I’ve ever seen

Thank you thecakeaddict!! xxxx
Calli! Wow! And wow again! You’re always so kind!! I’m very thankful. Have thousand hugs from Spain! xxxx
Yay Laylah! Thank you!! xxxx
Enza! Thank you!!! xxxx
Many thanks EzToperz! I’m glad you like it! xxxx


Pauline!!! Thank you!!!!! xxxx
Onetier! Haha thank you for you wow! xxxx
Diana!! I’m glad you like it!!! Thank you! xxxx
CuriASSEty wooooooow!!!!! Haha thank you!!!!! That wasn’t the case but I feel rewarded with all of your amazing commnts! xxxx
M&G!! Hahahaha thank you!!!! Hahaha xxxx
Sawsen woooooooow!!!!!!!!!! You left me shocked!! Thank you!!! I’m soooooooooo glad you like it that much!!!!! xoxoxoxo


Amazing work! Love this

Wow thankyou Jeane!! xxxx
Wooooooow Michal!!!!! WOOOOOOW hahahahahaha thank you!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



the fur looks great!

Zoe's Fancy Cakes, Leeds, England. FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/zoesfancycakes YOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/zoesfancycakes

You leave me speechless every time when I see your incredible art, Arantxa! Absolutely amazing creation!

Gulnaz Mitchell, New Zealand, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heavenlycakes4you-by-Gulnaz-Mitchell/113619242162187

Thank you Rinku!! xxxx
Zoe!!! :) many thanks! xxxx
Gulnaz!!! My dear friend! Many many thanks!!! You´re always so kind! XOXOXOXO


Amazing cake!

AWG Hobby Cakes thank you! xxxx
VanillaKiss!!!! Thank you!!! xxxx


Most gorgeous Arantxa XOXO

Mel Sugarcraft Artist

Wow .•°°•☆

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns

Mel!!!! Haha thank you!!!! xoxo
Cake Decor in Cairns!!! Thank you!!! xxxx


Thank you Becky!!!! xxxx


omg! this is phenomenal! I am speechless!

Hazel Wong Cake Design https://www.facebook.com/HazelWongCakeDesign

Yayyy Hazel!!! Thank you!!!!! xxxx



The Cake Nook

Thank you Zoe!!!!! xxxx



Cupolicious, Frankfurt, http://www.cupolicious.com

Thank you Kriti!!! xxxx


ole ole ole!!!

Fabulous work!!!!
Wonderful hands!

Maravilloso chiquilla!!!

Life is too sweet to be bitter

Oh my word…phenomenal!!!

Mel, Yorkshire, http://www.facebook.com/doncastercustomcakery

que ojazoooooooos…….

Marilo Latorre https://www.facebook.com/yomisma.sweetcakes?ref=hl