Tutorial #7: Make your own mould with leftover fondant

Don’t forget to watch my “NEW” video how to make silicone mould https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3iaYjpoEE4&t=156s So … I know how hard and expensive can be to make or buy moulds. So…. I...

Modelling in sugar #1: Sleeping Santa Baby Tutorial

Here’s my video tutorial for making a sleeping baby in a Santa outfit. It can be made in sugarpaste/ modelling paste/ modelling chocolate/ marzipan. The sizes of the body parts relate to the size...

Wireframed Figurine Tutorial

Building figurines with a wireframe skeleton allows for more dynamic poses and positioning. I like to use a thick, flexible aluminium wire which is easily available in craft stores. First, bend...

Elf on the Shelf cake topper tutorial

My household is obsessed with The Elf on the Shelf this time of year so I had to turn the little guy into a cake topper. I took some photos along the way! I have several homemade face molds...

Tutorial #5: 3D World Cake

How to make a 3D World Cake . I bake my cake on the shape of a ball. Ganache it to join to sides together and to correct imperfection this also will give more strength to your ball. I always open...

Barbie Cake Tutorial

Turtoria Various photo’s detailing how to make this simple cake ...

3D Cakes #1: Vintage Santa Boots and Sleepy Elves

Hope these picture groups are self-explanatory but please just ask if you have any questions! You will also find this tutorial on my Facebook page. thank you for looking and I hope this...

Easy Bunting for cakes or cupcakes

1 Start with cupcake edible image disc/circles 2 Choose one disc and cut in half with scissors (yes I know they’re huge scissors, I couldnt find my other pair!!) 3 cut each half into...