Cake Decorating Tutorials

Sugar Artist's Painting Palette Tutorial

This weeks tutorials is the perfect topper for a cake being made for an artist. A sugar artist’s painting palette! Watch Chef Serdar Yener as he shows you how to make the artist’s palette, a...

cake topper tigger tutorial


ROYAL ICING #3: Easter Cookie Tutorial By Carla Rodrigues

Why not let your Royal Icing skills out of their shell? Carla Rodrigues shows you to make this cracking egg iced cookie. Perfect for an Easter treat <3 For full description visit our...

MODELLING TUTORIALS #56: Birthday Bunny Tutorial By Angelique Van Veenedall

What is cuter than a bunny? A bunny in a cake of course. Learn how to make this in an easy step by step guide with Angelique Van Veenedall. For full description visit our website:...

Easter 2020 - Cute Bunny Figurine with a little Chick

During the years I have made lots of different bunnies, and it’s not always easy 😖 to come up with something different and hopefully better than the previous year, which sometimes can get a bit...

How to make a Gumpaste Spring Tulip Tutorial

Hi and welcome back to my kitchen. So Spring is finally here in the UK and one flower that always blooms this time of year is the tulip. So for this weeks video to celebrate the warmer...

🐄 Cute Cow 🐮 and a little Rooster Cake Topper 🐓

Cute COW and a ROOSTER Cake Topper Tutorial This is the second video of my new Cake Topper Series “Cute Animals and their Little Friends”. Here is the playlist, if you want to have a look at it...


Hi dear friends! I hope you and your families are well and healthy. Today I want to share with you this video tutorial which is my secret way…not secret model my big sugar dolls....

Wedding Cakes #1: Sharp Edges and Wafer Paper Ruffles Wedding Cake Tutorial By Carol Smith

While you may have a little time on your hands at this difficult time why not brush up on techniques ready for when the orders flood in? Learn (or practice) sharp edges. Get the real...


Hi dear friends! I hope you are doing well with your families. Sharing how to make fondant without microwave…super easy and fast! I tested it, and works excellent for cake covering and figure...

3D NAME CAKE Tutorial

Learn how to make a cake with someones name in a graffiti style of overlapping block letters and how to give it a 3D effect. Chef Yener shows a simple and very personalized cake idea where you...

Free On-Line course - Realistic gumpaste Magnolia, flower and leaves

Hola a todos¡¡ Debido al confinamiento que estamos sufriendo todos y será para largo, y para aportar un granito de arena en los duros tiempos que vienen, es que acabo de poner PÚBLICO y GRATIS mi...