wedding cake tutorial

Chocolate Rose without tools

For full Tutorial and Modeling Chocolate recipe and Tips visit my Facebook page at Check out other Tutorials….New tutorials coming soon.

Fabric flower Tutorial

For more Tutorials visit my Facebook page. Thanks.

Professional Cake Pan Release

Make your homemade Pan Release. Ingredients: 1/4 cup vegetable oil ( I use Canola oil) 1/4 cup vegetable shortening, room temperature 1/4 cup all-purpose flour Directions: ...

How i make edible brooch for cake.

This video how i make edible brooch for cake & cup cake decorations. TFL.

ilex leaf with white border

that’s all what we need we make small balls from the white gumpasta or fondant and a barrel from the green one get flat the green one with edible glue stick together flattened white balls...

Two color Ruffle Tutorial

I love Ruffles but sometimes they are difficult to make and time consuming. In this tutorial I came up with two color easy ruffles. You can even use more...

MODELLING TUTORIALS #37: Mr & Mrs Beaver Wedding Cake Tutorial by Melanie Williamson

With one of the Saracino team getting married recently we are still in a loved-up party mood here at HQ! So, keeping with the wedding theme how about learning to make this adorable Bride and...

Wisteria Wedding Cake & Watercolour Wedding Cake Tutorials

“ I’m so excited to launch the new and improved Sugar Ruffles Blog! To celebrate I am giving away my two most popular tutorials to all my blog readers. My watercolour wedding cake and...

Wafer Paper #21: How to make Wafer Paper Cherry Blossoms

What is your favorite thing about Spring? I looooove seeing the trees pop into bloom everywhere. Outside of my kitchen window is a tree full of pink flowers, and every year birds building a nest...

Moth Orchid #2: Part 2 of mini tutorial on the Moth Orchid

Part 2 – The Moth Orchd Throat and Column The Moth Orchid Continued Making the Column Take a small ball of paste and roll into a tear drop Insert a 22g wire into to pointy end ...

Monkey topper

Hi, I think pictures are simple and no need for more descriptions but if you have any question please ask.

How to make rose with circle cutters.

Hello, here is tutorial i made how to make rose with circle cutters and spoon instead of ball-tool. TFL.