
David Austin Rose my way (Easy, Quick and inexpensive, using mostly 2 round cutters)

For complete PDF copy of my tutorial go to my facebook page . Thank you https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heavenlycakes4you-by-Gulnaz-Mitchell/113619242162187

My Version of a Ranunculus Tutorial

Decided to upload my Ranunculus Tutorial that I posted to FB a while back of the flowers I used on my Christmas cake, since it is now easier to upload multiple photos for the blogs/tutorials in...

Easy (lazy!) Cake Bunting

I like to make life easy whenever possible and when I needed to make bunting for a cake this seemed the best option. Hope it helps someone :)

The Making of a 3D Standing Lego Ninjago Cake

I’ve posted my progress pics to my blog with additional info and detailed explanations but thought I’d post just the pics here and on FB so those that are savvy enough can figure out what they...

Peony Flower from $2 homemade cutters...who said you need expensive equipment ;-)

Wanted to do a Peony without having to purchase expensive cutter, if you have a peony set you can use them for this but the larger cutter makes for a bigger Peony so you may want to use your...

Gorjuss structure

This is my method on how i do my standing model’s, I like to assemble them straight onto the cake as i find it more stable. The legs are tyloed fondant i usually use a little wire to tie them at...

Wafer Paper LOTUS Tutorial by The Violet Cake Shop™

Merry Christmas Everyone!! I made a tutorial for how to recreate the wafer paper lotuses that I had on my Festival of Lights cake from October, for everyone as my Christmas gift. Hope you all...

gumpaste wisteria #1: making wired gumpaste wisteria flowers & buds

Hi all! Super excited to show you my first youtube video I filmed while making my Konohana Sakuya Hime for the Gardens of the World collab! This one shows you how to make the buds and flowers. ...

diamond wedding cake tier separator tutorial (video)

Hi all, Here’s a vid I filmed while making my latest wedding cake. You can see more pics and details of the experience (and disasters!) at my blog. I also put a more detailed...


So, more or less the same as the previous tutorial, a very simple cupcake tutorial, I’m using only pictures for this one too, hope they all speak for themselves. Hope you find it useful. If you...

Two-Toned Bow Tutorial

I first saw a two-toned bow on a yellow tiered cake by Sweet Picasso Cake Creations. Afterward a design popped in my head that had this bow as the centrepiece. It makes such a statement so it’s...

Witch fingers and eyeball tutorial, free Halloween treat

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! I have been asked for a tutorial about how to create the fingers and eyeballs from my Hansel and Gretel Halloween cake. It’s a very easy and quick tutorial and I...