Wendy - Saraphia Kakes is following 11 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,829 followers


9 posts and 70,054 followers

Amanda’s Little Cake Boutique

1,477 posts and 552 followers

Verusca Walker

1,344 posts and 1,147 followers


595 posts and 134 followers

Buds 'n Petal Cakes

35 posts and 14 followers

ChokoLate Designs

479 posts and 905 followers

Ellen Redmond@Splendor Cakes

248 posts and 175 followers

Karla (Sweet K)

750 posts and 487 followers

Rosie Cake-Diva

167 posts and 215 followers


82 posts and 46 followers