Owner and inventor of ArtGel and ArtGel Flexible Paste, innovative decoration products.

I was born in Naples, as a child my passion is drawing and painting. I graduated from the Art School of Naples and I specialize Higher Institute of Design in Naples (ISD), where I obtained, with the highest grades, and graduate in Fashion Design. The meeting with the sugar art is done randomly in 2013.
My passion for drawing and painting led me to experiment with new techniques as part of the ongoing sugar art, to recreate the original effect of the canvas and more, made of well evident brushstrokes and thicknesses of colors. To achieve this use the royal icing, which allows me to recreate the effect of oil painting of classical painting. I participated in several competitions in Italy with the following outcomes:
2013 Cake Design Week Napoli - 1st place in the competition "New cake decorator"
2013 Cake Fest Belvedere of San Leucio (CE) - 2nd place in the competition "The love in the great works of art "
2014 Cake Factory in Florence - 1st place in the competition" Christmas competition "
2014 Cake Fest Belvedere of San Leucio (CE) - 1st place in the" 666 race team competing diabolical ".
2017 6 ° Cup Pastry Art SIGEP Rimini - innovation Prize


Hi Gina :) Your artwork and artistry is fabulous. Definitely following you now.

Heba Elalfy ***more photos at https://www.facebook.com/sweetdreamstoyou

Many thanks! I’m happy for this compliment

Fabulous work! You have a new follower. xx

Elisabete Caseiro, Portugal, https://www.facebook.com/BetySugarland

Ciao Gina, i yuoi lavori sono delle vere opere d’arte!!!
Hi Gina, your creations are works of art!
Have a new follow from me :)


Hi Gina, your work is so beautiful! You have a new follower!!!

Anka - Tortolandia.sk