Featured Articles

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Winter 2014 #1: Announcement

The rules are simple and, like everything else at CakesDecor, there’s no fee to enter. The best part of this competition? There will be no designated jury of experts. You and your fellow...

CakesDecor Cookie Themes #2: Christmas Cookies 2013

After successful Christmas themed Cakes 2013, I thought we should show you some of the Christmas themed cookies posted on our website recently as well. I hope it will be a great source of...

CakesDecor Tutorials Contest 2013 #5: And the winners are...

The time flies really fast in this period of year – I feel like I announced the Tutorials Contest yesterday and today it’s time to announce the Winner. I would like to thank you all for posting...

Helping Sweet Kate AKA The Greedy Baker

Kate aka The Greedy Baker is one of our members for almost 2 years. In July this year, Kate gave birth to a beautiful baby boy but just a week later was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma...

CakesDecor.com Cake Themes #14: Christmas Cakes 2013

I just noticed that my previous Cake Themes Entry was posted 6 months ago! Christmas is coming again and we’re bringing you the list of some Christmas themed cakes posted on our website recently....

CakesDecor Tutorials Contest 2013 #4: 3rd Week Winner

Another week of our Tutorials Contest are over and it’s time to pick one tutorial randomly – the winner will get a Custom Hand Painted Apron with own Logo on it. Since Calli won’t have enough...

Happy Thanksgiving Day

I would like to wish happy Thanksgiving day to all our members, who celebrate this holiday. I hope everybody will have the opportunity to spend time with friends and family to celebrate the true...

CakesDecor Tutorials Contest 2013 #3: 2nd Week Winner

Hey all. Two weeks of our Tutorials Contest are over and it’s time to pick one tutorial randomly – the winner will get a Custom Hand Painted Apron with own Logo on it. Since Calli won’t have...

CakesDecor Tutorials Contest 2013 #2: 1st Week Winner

Hey all. One week of our Tutorials Contest is over and I have to say that you posted some really amazing tutorials already. We picked one of them randomly and the winner will get a Custom Hand...

CakesDecor Tutorials Contest 2013 #1: Announcement

Do you have a tutorial that could help other members? Share it and win some amazing prizes. How to enter? It’s easy as everything else on our site – post a tutorial on CakesDecor.com and...

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Fall 2013 #3: And the Winners Are ...

The results are in and it’s time to officially announce the winners of the CakesDecor Quarterly Awards – Fall 2013. There were 187 beautiful entries posted in the Black & White Cakes...

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Fall 2013 #2: Cast your votes and win an Apron!

Awards entry period is over and we ended up with 187 amazing entries in ‘Black & White cakes’ category. Now it’s time to pick your top 5 list and cast your votes. Voting deadline is on...