Featured Articles

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Summer 2013 #1: Announcement

I’m glad I can announce 5th edition of CakesDecor Quarterly Awards, this time in partnership with American Cake Decorating Magazine. This partnership should attract more contestants and...

Interview #17: Ana Remígio

My name is Ana Remígio and my home is in the Algarve- Portugal. I’m the second of three kids raised by a wonderful mum from whom I have acquired so many passions…one of those was my passion for...

Woohoo - 10, 000 Members!!

After 1 year 7 months and 6 days from launching CakesDecor.com, we’ve reached the BIG milestone – 10, 000 members. We would like to thank you again for your supportive approach and positive mood...

Interview #16: Karen Portaleo

Bio I studied art at the Ringling School of Art and Design, jewellery at Georgia State University, jewellery, enamelling, copper smithing, glass and porcelain at Penland School, and...

CakesDecor.com Cake Themes #13: Sugar Flowers and Gumpaste Flowers

It’s been a long time I posted a Blog entry to this Series. I noticed that there were lot of Sugar Flowers and Gumpaste flowers posted lately and I would like to show you some of them on one...

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Spring 2013 #4: Aprons are on the way!

Hey all. I know that awards ended few weeks ago, but I wanted to show you the Aprons that Calli did for the latest awards winners Aren’t they beautiful ? Thank you Calli ;)

CakeDecorPros News #3: All Cities Index

Until now, It was difficult to find out where are all Cake Decorators located on the CakeDecorPros.com. We decided to create index of all Cities that contains at least one Free or Premium Listing....

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Spring 2013 #3: And the Winners Are ...

The results are in and it’s time to officially announce the winners of the CakesDecor Quarterly Awards – Spring 2013. There were 132 beautiful entries posted in the Easter category. Thank...

CakeDecorPros News #2: We are 1 month young :)

I just noticed that CakeDecorPros.com is one month young today. Woohoo, what a small milestone :). After one month I can proudly say that there are 633 cake decorators already in 41 countries...

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Spring 2013 #2: Cast Your Votes and Win!

Awards entry period is over and we ended up with 132 amazing entries in ‘Easter’ category. Now it’s time to pick your top 5 list and cast your votes. Voting deadline is on April 30, 2013 at...

Interview #15: Neli Josefsen

Hello, friends! My name is Neli Josefsen. Living in Norway. A native Bulgarian though. An ex-musician. There are those who say, there is no such thing as ex-musician. Well, they are maybe...

Goreti and Ana Remigio!

Hey ladies Goreti and Ana Remigio, I just wanted to say thank you for posting feedback to other bakers’ cakes and creating positive mood on CakesDecor. I know that I told you this already, but I...