Featured Articles

Interview #22: Michaela Fajmanova of Cakes by Mifa

Short Bio My name is Michaela Fajmanová and I live in the Czech Republic. After graduating from high school, I worked as a shop assistant, barmaid, air hostess and in the end as a restaurant...

CD UPDATE: Original message when writing a reply.

As you can see, we are on fire these days. Another gadget that will make your CakesDecor life easier: from today, when replying on a private message, you can see the original message above. ...

CD UPDATE: More Cakes From The Author

Today, we implemented another cool feature that could help you browse cakes more easily. It was here in the previous version of CakesDecor and you requested it to be in the new version as well. ...

CD UPDATE: Who Favorited Your Cake?

Woohoo, good news here :) I would like to let you know that we are really listening your thoughts and suggestions. From now, you can see who favorited your cake by clicking on the Number of...

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Winter 2014 #3: And the winners are...

Christmas Cakes Awards are behind us and I have to say that this time it was really hard to pick the best 5 entries. There were 232 beautiful cakes submitted and I think that at least 10 of them...

Awards and Tutorial Contest Aprons

Hey all, I just wanted to share with you Aprons that Calli did for previous Awards and Tutorial Contest Winners. They are beautiful, aren’t they? Thank you Calli

CakesDecor Quarterly Awards - Winter 2014 #2: Cast Your Votes and Win an Apron!

Christmas Cakes Awards entry period is over and we ended up with 232 amazing entries. Now it’s time to pick your top 5 list and cast your votes. Voting deadline is on Jan 31, 2014 at 6 PM GMT . ...

New Light Trendy Design

We listened to your feedback and changed the design to Light one. I hope you like it. Enjoy!

Interview #21: Robert Haynes

CakesDecor Profile | Website Bio My name is Robert Haynes and I am an accredited demonstrator (British Sugar Craft Guild) and International teacher and also the owner of the Sugar Flower...

New widgets!

As some of you already know, we changed the widgets layout as well. The problem in previous version of CakesDecor was, that you was not able to get the Editor’s Choice and Daily top 3 widgets from...

Christmas Cake Competition Fixed!

I just wanted to let you know that we were able to fix the submitting entries functionality on the Christmas Cake Competition page. There are 135 beautiful entries posted already, so feel free to...

New Design and New Features

After almost 20 hours of migration, New CakesDecor is live! I know that some of you will feel like the old one was better or you did have your own way to browse it and now it doesn’t work the same...